An internal audit which offers you clear solutions and tailored services to your situation

Located in Geneva, the company Anca Fiduciaire SA offers continuous assistance through internal audit solutions adapted to real estate taxation.

    Internal audit of banks and securities dealers

    As a Bank or a Securities dealer you are subject to face more requirements and changes from Regulators. Internal audit should not only give you a clear inventory and accurate vision about your organization in comparison with those requirements, but also to bring you added value through improvement proposals and recommendations capable of anticipating problems with regard to your development and the new legal requirements.

    Banking institutions and medium-sized Security dealers are often interested in outsourcing their internal audit function to an external specialist for economic and quality reasons.

    With more than 20 years of banking and financial services experience, including as Lead auditor approved by FINMA on behalf of PWC et KPMG and as a member of the executive management (CFO) of a foreign bank in Switzerland to importance, Mr. Guy-Olivier Rombaldi, Partner in our firm and in charge of this activity, will provide you with the expected level of added value and confidence which deserve this type of mandate.

    We look forward to analyzing your situation in this area and developing the best solution which fits your current and future organization needs.

      Pour davantage de renseignements sur l’audit immobilier, n’hésitez pas à contacter la société Anca Fiduciaire SA au +41.22.738.68.48.